Software & Hi-Tech

Technology is only as good as the experience it enables.

Deliver exceptional end-to-end customer experiences while increasing the value of your products and services with process transformation from GLB. From leveraging analytic insights and unlocking operational improvements to solving complex service and support issues, we help leaders in technology drive adoption, increase loyalty, and deliver new sources of revenue.

We Serve

Online Companies

Solutions that help e-businesses develop, commercialize, monetize and evolve their digital operations.

Software Vendors

We specialize in designing, building, testing, refining and maintaining applications. We can also help you transition to the…

High-Tech Manufacturers

We help high-tech manufacturers take on complex, transformational business process and product engineering initiatives.


Application Services

A full range of services from application, testing and maintenance through deployment, upgrades and consulting.

Our Thinking

Havacılık Alanında, Yüksek Teknolojiye Dayalı Ürün Geliştiren TIC Teknoloji Teknoparkımızda Faaliyete Başlamıştır

Haberler WhatsApp Görsel 2024-09-17 saat 18.00.25_2707b430

Kalkınmaya giden yolda en önemli parametre yüksek teknolojiye dayalı üretimdir. Bu konuda Kırıkkale ...

Bosna Hersek Tuzla Üniversitesi Rektörü Prof. Dr. Nermina Hadžigrahić, Fakültelerimizi ve Teknoparkı Ziyaret Etti

Haberler 11

Üniversitemiz ile ikili işbirliği anlaşması imzalama ve Srebrenitsa Soykırımı Anma Programı için Üni...


Resolving Growing User Support Demands

For a global software provider, we supplied the people and skills to handle lower-priority application support requests among its roughly 7,000 end users around the world. Our client accomplished this by establishing an SLA guaranteed to resolve 90% of support issues within seven days, thanks to planning and reporting tool that helps IT service managers cross-train team members and generate reports.